Blinds are the perfect complement to any outdoor area because they give the ability to control weather conditions, whether that be allowing more sunlight or keeping out the wind and rain. We offer the following different options in Blinds:
Ziptrack guided blind system is the ideal solution for all your Vertical screening needs. You can choose from the popular clear or tinted PVC, shade mesh or acrylic shade fabrics. The Ziptrack guide system has no ropes, no zips, no straps and no buckles. Its unique slotted side tracks between which the blind guides smoothly and easily up and down and stops where you want it. Conventional spring loaded blinds have to be pulled down and held down against the tension for the springs while the operator struggles to do up the buckles of leather straps. Ziptrack is the answer and can provide shelter from the elements, provide UV protection and will complement any outdoor entertaining area.

PNP Sunshade
PNP Sunshade is a stylish vertically retractable blind that creates shade whilst keeping your view. This blind is spring loaded and held tight under the spring tension. The unique, high quality lock down system makes the sunshade the quickest and easiest blind on the market to operate and secure. It is available in a wide range of shade mesh fabrics and also provides protection from the elements and reduces sun glare whilst still retaining your view.
Ambient Blinds
Specially designed for alfresco entertaining areas such as pergolas, verandahs and balconies, Ambient Blinds offer privacy and protection from the sun, wind, rain and insects all year round.

Ambient Blinds serve as a sleek, secure and durable alternative to traditional awnings and roller shutters. Your custom designed system can be made in widths of up to 5 metres or drops of up to 4 metres, offering you an external solution to fit almost any area. Cleverly constructed with hidden interlocking parts, the The Ambient Blinds system will ensure you receive your desired level of privacy and comfort. Various external fabric choices are available, including popular screen mesh fabrics to control the amount of visibility, or total black-out solutions. STYLISH DESIGN The simple yet stylish design improves the presentation of any home or office, defining outdoor areas and extending your entertaining space from your kitchen or lounge. COLOUR RANGE The Ambient Blinds system is readily available in a choice of four standard frame colours – Alpine, Sand Dune, Desert or Deep Space, with a choice of 19 fabric colours and 3 openness factors. With mill extrusions available, we can also custom match the frame to your existing outdoor décor. All Ambient Blinds frame colours are powder-coated to an exceptional exterior grade quality, providing a superior, long lasting solution to any outdoor area.